AWT Support

Broken Laptop Screen?

Fix it.

What's it cost to repair?

Repairs can be done for as low as $119
They average in price at $169
Depending on the type of laptop, prices can exceed $500

Get a free quote before your repair!

How long does it take?

Hundreds of laptop models use hundreds of different screens…
We special order most laptop screens, as needed, to be delivered within 1-5 business days.
Once the screen arrives, repairs can take 2-6 hours.

We’ll give you a narrow timeline specific to your laptop before starting anything.

Is this something I could do myself?

Sure! There are a ton of guides on the internet, and probably one for your exact laptop.

Fair warning: It’s not for everyone! It takes a delicate hand, and even intimate knowledge of hardware to avoid problems. Performing your repair wrong could lead to alternative issues, data loss, or even safety hazards.

Warranty Matters

AWT is relentlessly committed to providing environmentally and economically sustainable services for consumer technology of all types. We strive to educate the world on the availability of repair services that help prolong the lifespan of devices like smartphones, tablets, computers and more.

To be sustainable, our services must be of high quality and affordability. We put our quality to tests that meet or exceed life-expectancy standards of the original manufacturers.

Warranty Certificates accompany every repair performed by AWT that will cover the quality, workmanship, and life-expectancy of the service.

Read all about our warranties

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